Sunday, September 2, 2012

Green Shorts for September - Monthly picture

If you are just starting to follow my blog, you probobly have no idea what my green short posts are about. I was given a pair of shorts, that I loved, however I could not zip them up. I decided to take a picture of me in them on the first day of every month and post a picture. That way I could see my progress.

This month... They ZIPPED UP!. They are still to tight to wear out in public, however, I can see a huge difference in my I am SOOO excited!! I am hoping by next month, they will fit a little better on my hips! I am so glad that I started taking these pictures. It gives me hope and helps to keep me motivated!


  1. That is awesome!!! Great Job!!! Looking amazing <3

  2. Way to go! You look great! Love those shorts too.

  3. I love these pictures! Before you know it they will be too big, take a picture of you tossing them in your Goodwill bag :)

  4. This is such a great way to track your progress. Yay for zipping them up!!

  5. It's the green shorts girl! Yay!

    I'm currently doing this with a pair of old jeans...such a good idea!

    - Brenna (a fellow Fit Camper)

  6. LOVE the Non scale Victory!! You are doing awesome! Pictures and clothes are the BEST measure of success! Congrats!
    Ang (from fit Camp)

  7. PAIGE! That's awesome! I'm so happy/excited for you. You inspire me to eat better. Some day, I just might. :)

  8. Love this series of photos, great job!
