Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday Giveaway! My first one! :)

Remember these cute weight loss jars I made. I decided that I wanted to give away a set. 

Here is why I LOVE having my jars:

I LOVE getting to move a gem from one to the other. 
I LOVE being able to see what I have lost even if I cannot see it with the way I look.
I LOVE having a visual reminder of  my goal
I LOVE how they look.

To make things better- You can enter twice.

To enter you must follow my blog.

1- Leave a comment letting me know why these jars would help you out
2-  Pin this giveaway and leave a separate comma letting me know.

I will announce the winner next Friday. :)


  1. I want one! Like you, I think it would be neat to see the progress. It's such a LOOOONNNGGGG process losing weight and I think that would be great motivation to see one jar emptying (sp?) and the other getting full of all the weight I lose! And they are so cute!!! - megan c.

  2. I would LOVE a set of these! I have been in a bad place here recently and really trying to get out of it and a visual aid of how well I have done so far would really help lift my spirits and get me back on track!

    I follow your blog and have pinned this give away on my Pinterest!

  3. Would love these! I think I would cry if I had to move a stone from "lbs lost" back to "lbs to lose"!

  4. I have 150 pounds to loose total. I am 54 lbs in, but that 96 that remains is so daunting!!! This would be an awesome motivator for me! I am now a follower of your blog! :)

  5. I also pinned this to my Pinterest board! :)

  6. I would LOVE to win these!! I have seen them and thought they were a great idea! I am a visual person and it is so easy to lose sight of how far you have come, especially when visually on your body it is a slow process. The satisfaction of being able to move something and actually see every day how well you are doing would be awesome!!

  7. My husband and I are booking a trip to Cancun in Jan. I have serious motivation going on. This would be a wonderful visual aid for me.

  8. Pinned the giveaway on Pinterest :-)

  9. Oops I didn't see that it had to be a separate comment about pinterest! So here is my comment to say I pinned it :)

  10. How cute! Great idea! I think the visual aid would be great motivation!

  11. I have a super hard time keeping up motivation and I think a visual aid like this would be very helpful! :)
