Monday, January 14, 2013

Weight Loss Star Chart

In my last post I promised you that I would post the start chart that I made so I could be accountable for the choices I am making. And to keep me incentavised. Well.. here it is.

The pink spaces are mandatory. The white spaces are optional. If you miss a pink spot you are responsible to make up for it with one of the white spots. If you miss more spots than you can make up.. then you do not get a prize. :( womp womp. 

Day one has been pretty rough so far. I want a sugary snack so bad I could punch a puppy. However, I am resisting because I know it will get harder to resist through out the week and I only have 500 sugar calories per week.  But I can say that its working. I want to get all of my stars!

If any of you want a copy of this chart, let me know and I will post the actual JPEG that I created so you can download it.

In other news... I got my hair did. :) Just added in some highlights... but I LOVE it. Its nice to change it up from time to time.

Thats all I have for you today.. but remember... DEMAND MORE OF YOURSELF! Because you are worth it!


  1. Thanks for sharing your chart. I am going to have to make something like this.

  2. Thanks for sharing your chart. I am going to have to make something like this.

  3. Yes post your chart! That's a great idea!
