Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday Nov 4th Weigh In - And Monthly Measurements

Today is the big day. I woke up full of dread and excitement.   Dread because I have to see what I have done to myself. No more hiding the scale and wearing baggy clothes.

And excited because its the start. As long as I keep working on this, there is only one place I will go. Down. Down in inches and weight that is. :)

So... here goes nothing.

Weight: 212.6 Pounds

Neck: 13.25"
Bicep: 14"
Forearm: 10.5"
Wrist: 6.25"
Chest: I never measure my chest. It changes with the moon, and with whatever bra I am wearing.
Stomach: 38"
Waist: 43"
Hips: 47.25"
Saddle: 44.75"
Thigh: 28.5"
Calf: 16.5"

Now for my goals for the week and month.

  • Track all of my calories in.  I want to be between 1500 and 2000 calories a day.
  • Work out at least 5 times. 3 weight and 2 cardio.
  • Be under 210 by next Monday.
  • Drink 100 oz of water daily.  WATER folks. NOT DIET COKE. Oh gosh.. I love my soda. But that love affair is over. 
  • Check in with my blog at least twice this week. 
  • Monthly Inches goal: I want to lose at least an inch and a half from my stomach and a quarter of an inch from my thighs and hips. 

And just for fun.. here are a few pics of me on Halloween.I work in the accounts department and we decided to go as the Sons of Account-archy for Halloween.

I am 4 over on the left. I have the Ducati jacket on.

I am second over on the left. Short Hair with leather chaps.


  1. Great job lisitng your goals for the week! We are the same weight right now. I also say the same thing. I want to be skinny but really don't pushh myself to keep going for more that 2 weeks. Good Luck and I will follow your blog

  2. It is so wonderful that you are doing this NOW rather than waiting for the new year to start. I am finishing up the Bikini Body Mommy CHallenge at the end of this month and then hope to launch into Jamie Easton's Live Fit TRainer three-month program beg Dec. 1.
