Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Monday Weigh in-- On a Tuesday, but posted on Wednesday.

Some times life gets so busy, that before you know it... its Wednesday night and you still have not posted about your Monday morning weigh in.

My weigh in was what I thought it would be. TERRIBLE! I do not remember the whole number, but it was in the 214s. YIKES! I forgot to take a picture, and I wanted to forget about that number. So I am... I went to the gym and I worked my butt off and I watched what I ate... and on Tuesday.. this is what I saw:

WOO Hoo!! That gives me hope that I will reach my goal of under 210 this week. I just need to keep pushing myself. 

So far weight lifting has been great. I really like to get in there and push myself. Its nice to feel sore the next day and know that you did that. You can do hard things and you can work hard.  Here I am doing some pull downs.

Today was a cardio day and I spent an hour on the treadmill and an hour on the bikes... and I am one sleepy girl. So I am going to head to bed. I have an early morning spin class to get my behind to. :)

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