Monday, October 29, 2012

5 K, Half marathon and Weigh in Wednesday... For last week. :)

Wow... The last little while has been a BLUR! Lets start with last Saturday the 20th of October. I ran a 5K with my cousin Suzanne. :) It was beautiful!! And so much fun!

Speak no Evil... See no Evil..... RUN!

No fancy costumes.. We just went out there and ran. :)  I am not even sure of our time because neither of us had a watch to time it. We feel like it was some where around 30 minutes, but who knows. :)  In the packet that we got there were gloves and see through vampire teeth. So of course we had to use them in our photo. :)

The days after that burred together... and before I knew it.. It was weigh in Wednesday. And here is what I weighed in at:

Hurray!! Back into the 180's!!!   It felt really good to see the outcome of my good food choices. It was tough to say no to the food I loved, however, when you can see the pay off, its great!!!

Once again.. time moved quickly and before I knew it... It was Saturday and my half marathon. And I had not trained well enough for it. So my plan was... just finish. :) Me and Suzanne decided to deck our selves out in pink.. with lots of glitter. Why... because we could.

Putting make up on Suz.
Here my eye.. pre- bling. Just the pink.

All Decked out...

I even managed to talk my IT guy at work into running the race with me. :) He was a magician!

Our fun group!

I have the greatest friends/family!

The race was pretty darn tough! My shoe was tied wrong, and I was in the zone so I did not want to stop and re tie it. Well around mile 6 I HAD to stop. My foot was killing me. Yeah.. I am dumb! I should have stopped right at the first. Oh well...   I finished. And I ran almost all of it. As much as I could without training at all.

Here we are at the end.. yep. Sitting on the ground... looking into the sun.. super glad that we are done.

 And of course we had to get our pictures taken with these guys. The entire time they were saying how sorry they were for the stink.. It was funny.

Today, I am a little sore. Not as bad as I thought I would be. I am super tired. I wish I was still in my bed. And my foot... Kills! I really should have just stopped and re tied my shoe.  Over all.. I am SO glad I ran. It was the perfect ending to my running season this year.


  1. Hey there lady! I have enjoyed reading your blog and congrats on your running success! I nominated you for the Liebster award an award by bloggers to bloggers. Please visit my blog at : for more info! Congrats!

  2. I've nominated you for a liebster! Check out my blog post to see the details!

  3. I hope your foot heals quickly! You are a rockstar!
