Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My roller coaster of weight loss.. oh.. and a 10K and a weigh in

Do you guys do what I do???   Lose 10 pounds... Gain 5.   Lose 7 pounds... Gain 4.   Lose 3 pounds, gain 5.... So on and so forth.....

Ultimately, you are down in weight from where you started... but you get really discouraged. Its tough! losing weight is HARD! Its heartbreaking, its horrible, its soul searching, its a mental game... its rough!!!

That is the game I am playing. I started out at 204. Lost 10 pounds... gained 5. Lost 10.. gained 7. Lost 4... gained 5.. lost 3... gained some more. 

 Today I weigh in at:  190.4    Yuck.   I need to break through the mental blocks that keep holding me back.

 On a happier note.. I ran a 10 k last weekend with my friend Ash. Aren't we so cute!!!! It was pretty darn cold when we started, but about a mile into it.. I LOVED the cold. I get really hot when I run.

Our finishing time was 1 hour and 13 minutes.  Which is not too shabby! In fact, I was really impressed with out time. I have not trained very well since I hurt my leg and foot back in Aug.

And one last picture just for fun... Me with make up on...   I swear.. I never wear make up. I don't wear very much make up... but there is a bit of a difference. 

Without make up
With Make up

Have a good week ya'll. And make smart choices!!


  1. Love your makeup! So pretty, you look so glam :)

  2. Awesome 10k time! Most people wouldn't suggest this, but in the beginning I weighed myself every day for motivation. If the number got higher I would get motivated to do better with water and such from the day before. If the number was lower I was motivated to keep up with it. I know it's scale obsessive, but it worked and now I'm good with once a week unless I've hit a plateau.

    I don't wear make up either. It look good!

  3. Congrats on the 10k! Great time too! :)

  4. You've been nominated for an award!

    Check it out here:

  5. I nominated you for an award. Check out my blog for details -

  6. You've been nominated for a Liebster award! Check it out here:

  7. I nominated you for the liebster award.

  8. Congratulations on your 10k! That's an awesome time!
