Friday, October 12, 2012

Giveaway winner!!!!

Hurray!! Today is the day that I announce the winner of the Weight tracking Jars!!!

There were 14 comments on the giveaway post. I went to a random number generator and had it search for numbers somewhere between 1 and 14.

Random number generator said: 9

The 9th comment was:

Hurray!! Congrats Allison!! I really hope this helps you get extra HOTT for your trip to Cancun in January!  PS.. I am REALLY jealous!!

Send me an e-mail at browneyesallen at gmail dot com.   If I do not hear back from you by 10/17 I will draw again. :)

Congrats again!!!! 

And just for fun... Here I am this morning at work. Can you see my jars on my desk... aawww yeah!!!

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