Wednesday, April 16, 2014

First Reward and Punishment --

So.. Its deadline day. Last Monday I set a goal to lose 6 lbs by today. On Friday I was already down 3. I was so excited and I knew I could hit my goal.

Then came Sunday. And I blew it. I over ate. And I did not work out. So I gained back all I had lost. So I worked my little butt off and I ran and I lifted at the gym, and I thought I still had a chance.

But I was still 3lbs short.

As my punishment, I am selling a pair of my skinny pants. And I am SO sad about it. But, that is the choice I made when I chose to eat all of the sugar on Sunday.

I did come up with a new goal. I want to finish off the 6lbs by Sunday of this week. I KNOW I can do this.

If I get it done, I get to buy myself a new book.
If I do not get it done, I have to work in the yard for a half an hour every day next week. (WHICH IS HORRIBLE!)

So... Here goes more hard work!

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