Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday Weigh in!

Hey Ya'll... I weighed in this morning, and I took a picture of my scale.. and then I left my phone at home. So Annoying!!! So I do not have an awesome picture to show you... But... I weighted...


I am down one pound from last week. I will admit that at first I was a little upset. Only one pound. But then I realized that if I lost one pound a day by my birthday next year, I would be around 145. That's not too shabby! I would love to be there. I would hope it would happen sooner, however the worst case scenario is still looking better than were I am at right now.  So I am going to keep my chin up, and my butt in the gym, and out of the kitchen. :)

Speaking of my butt being in the gym.. It was there twice last night, and once already today. We had a new teacher in spin class, and I wanted to hug her and punch her at the same time. My legs were like jello, and I was giddy. The same type of giddy I get when I stay up to late. It was great and horrible... all at the same time. 

I then went and walked around Wal Mart... uughhg... went home, put away the groceries, and went back to the gym. Me and Ashley decided to do a cardio day and we ran three miles. Yikes. My legs were screamin. I did not beat my 3 mile pr of 35 minutes, but I felt like a rock start when I was able to pull a 36. Ashley went from a 43 to a 38. I am going to have to kick it up a notch so she does not start to beat me. :) ( I am so proud of her! She is doing awesome!!) We are thinking of doing a 5K sometime soon. 

Here are my goals updated: 

 14 miles done.  11 left to go. 
 2 spin class done. 1 left to go. 
1 weights day done.  2 left to go.

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  1. just found your blog - love that you went to the gym twice in one day!!!! Keep your butt in the guyn and out of the kitchen =)

  2. Great work! And yes, the scale will go up, down, down, up again, up again, down, sideways - etc, etc - but if you keep at it, you will get it to move down in the long run, and that's what matters. Also, I strive to average a pound a week, though I don't always make it. A pound a week is awesome! But less is awesome too, even at a 1/2 pound a week, you will get to where you want to go.
